Seminar Consulting Est cégvezetői vacsora | 2025. február 27.

Basic1 Business Training in London

Seminar Consulting presents:

a well-proven business training… after 15 countries and 30,000 participants now in the UK:

In September in Hungarian language:

Choosing a career isn’t enough

One of the most common reasons people fail at their job, their career, or their own business is an inability to handle administration. A successful career takes careful planning as well as a career training and education program.

Poor management is cited as the number one reason for failure

Every entrepreneur and business person’s success depends on their knowledge of administration and management. The most brilliant retailer, doctor, engineer or artist won’t be successful without knowing how to handle things like personnel, marketing, sales, finances, quality control, and public relations. Either they have the know how to do these things themselves, or they have to hire people who do.

A business that offers a great product or service, an inventor with brilliant ideas, a scientist with a formula that can stop global warming, a doctor who develops a procedure that saves lives — all can fail without correct administrative policies and procedures.

Dreams don’t go up in smoke because there was something wrong with them or because the person with the dream just didn’t have what it took to make it. The failure lies in not knowing the right steps to take and the right time to take them.

That’s the power of administration. It’s the key to success. It makes dreams a reality.


Why should I choose Seminar Consulting?

Seminar Consulting has helped more than 30.000 people in the last 15 years. The owner and main lecturer, Gyula Piroska has held this training 600 times.

We have more than 3.000 clients, companies from different areas: manufacturing companies, trading companies and also companies from service industry.

Our trainings give you the most important data enable you to get immediate results with what you’ve learned.

We offer a lifetime warranty — you can always come to us for help.

We’ll help you become successful in your job. Using basic data of Administration is important if you don’t want to end up in a dead end job that doesn’t make you happy and doesn’t earn what you need.

Owning a business or pursuing a career should be fun, motivating, and financially rewarding.

We can help you get there.


How do we ensure superior performance?

Seminar Consulting has an entirely different and unique approach with our programs.

  • We use the Hubbard Management Technology that teaches students how to run and operate a business from the ground up.
  • We give you one-on-one attention. If there’s something that doesn’t make sense to you, you get the help you need, when you need it.
  •  If you need help, we’re here for you.

Career planning and training has to include administrative skills

We specialize in giving you the administrative technology you need to be a success in whatever job you have.

Sign up the first training in England
by Seminar Consulting


Basic1 Business Training

Thematics/ Program

Day One: Principles

Opening Address

The key knowledge and skills that govern the prosperity of a company both in the short and the long run. What a company head needs to know and what he doesn’t, to steer his business clear of common mistakes causing a 90% failure rate among new enterprises. The musts of a sound business decision.


What an organization is composed of, and what it’s like in its ideal state. Having cleared this up, you will immediately see where your company stands, as compared to that ideal scene. There will be areas closer to the ideal and some farther from it. This training will simply provide you with a clear route you can effectively follow to move your company from its existing state to an ideal one.

Principles of Expansion

Is it necessary for a company to grow? On this training you will find out the startling answer. You will also find out how much and how to expand your company. Also, what brings expansion, in case you have been unable to achieve your goals.

Board (organizational chart)

There exists a system that makes darned sure that every single person in the company does jobs that count and will create income and prosperity for the company—and that these jobs WILL get done. Understanding this you will surely know how to build a company logically, clearly and manageably.

The Product

We’ll look at what most companies expect wrong from their employees on their jobs. Shall we expect a lot of work–or fruitful work instead? The answer will be surprising.


What is the factor that establishes the income level of a company? Is it marketing? Is it staff performance? Or something totally different? Here you will find out why slacking workers come off bad. And I will have a strange request to you: towards your customers, don’t be just ”fair”, because most businesses operate on the basis of ”fair exchange”–and even that may not be enough in today’s economy. On this seminar, this will become as bright as daylight for you.

Rewards and Penalties

Is it necessary to reward your employees? If so, how and how much? It does count how you do it. You will clearly see who to reward and who to penalize, and how. We will also cover what to do when a company operates in different lines of business.


What responsibility means in a company. Is it blame, accountability, independence? Here we will look at what responsibility has to do with where your company stands right now. You will also see how anyone is ruined by the attitude “I’m not responsible”.

Internal Communications

Are you satisfied with how people communicate and information flows in your company? You will learn how to speed up your team.

 The Basics of Organization: The Organizing Board (organizational chart)

There exists a system that makes darned sure that every single person in the company does jobs that count and will create income and prosperity for the company—and that these jobs WILL get done. Understanding this you will surely know how to build a company logically, clearly and manageably.

Day Two: Practices


Are you sick of not having enough time, of incomplete tasks, and of ideas that remain only ideas? If so, the practical tools covered here will be highly valuable to you. How to eliminate frantic action, stress, and slow, inadequate communication

The Leader

What are the actual dos and don’ts for a Leader?


There is a very simple tool you can use to ensure that all your workers have the same goals and the same understanding as that of their leader. You will be able to use this to forge a real TEAM out of your people.

Post Write-ups

What is a truly workable job description like? Does the company leader has to bother with this at all? He surely does.

The Triangle of Understanding

In this section, we’ll cover an immensely useful tool you can use to consciously create understanding and trust among your staff. Hereafter you will know what to do with a worker who’s sort of a pain to talk to, difficult, gets into arguments, or simply too distant.

Phases of Leadership

A leader often tries to cover several areas personally and thereby neglects many others. Understanding this section you will gain a whole new view of leading a company. You will see how to get out of the daily grind of management, all the while you stay in complete control of your organization.

Ethics, Morals, and Morale

You will get a clear idea of what each of these concepts mean and how you can make them true in your business. It will be clear to all how success follows logically from being honest and acting clean.


Sign up the first training in England
by Seminar Consulting.


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